Named monkeyflower after the apparent resemblance the blooms have to a monkey’s face, the Square-Stemmed Monkeyflower bears asymmetrical, tubular violet or pink flowers which bloom nearly continuously over a long season from early summer to fall. The flowers contrast nicely with the bright green leaves; both the foliage and the flowers of this plant are quite attractive. It will slowly spread into a bushy plant, making it appealing in a landscape setting.

Bumblebees visit and favor the flowers for their nectar. They are one of quite a few insects that are strong enough to force their way into the partially closed throat of the flower’s corolla. The caterpillars of some butterflies, insects, and moths feed on the foliage. Monkey flower serves as an important host plant for the larvae of two butterflies: the Baltimore checkerspot and the common buckeye.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Mimulus ringens

Also Called: Allegheny Monkeyflower

En français: Mimule à fleurs entrouvertes



Water: Keep wet at all times; sue mulch to help



Hardiness Zones:

Where to Plant

The rhizomatous, upright perennial Mimulus ringens is usually found in swampy areas, wet meadows, ponds, and low woods and is best grown in part shade. You can plant it in cottage gardens, wildflower gardens, pollinator gardens, wet gardens. The flowers resemble the face of a monkey, earning it the common name, and blooms are long-stalked and solitary. On the upper portion of the monkey flower plant, they will grow in pairs opposite each other and bloom at different times.

Does monkey flower need full sun?

Monkey flowers do well in full sun or partial shade if they receive plenty of moisture. There are two lobes on the upper petal of monkey flowers and three lobes on the lower petal. Many of the blossoms are spotted and multicolored, and they resemble monkeys in their appearance.

What flowers have monkey faces?

A wide variety of colors and shapes are displayed by the 400,000 plant species that grow on our planet. The size of the trees varies from microscopic algae that look like snowflakes to giant sequoias that tower hundreds of feet high. There are several plants that bloom with monkey faces, including Monilaria Obconica, White Egret Orchids, Square-Stemmed Monkeyflowers, and Bush Monkey Flowers.

How to propagate sticky monkey flowers?

You can use cuttings to propagate monkey flowers. The growing tip should be between four and six inches long. After removing the bottom leaves, You should place the stem in a moist growing medium. It should take the monkey flower plant about two months for the cutting to root.

Is monkey flower invasive?

As a native of North America, it is not known to overtake areas due to its comparatively non-aggressive nature. In any case, make sure to use only native monkey flower plants in your garden or pond if you’re having double thoughts on other Mimulus.


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