Category Topics

Sustainable Gardening and eco-friendly practices covers:
– Reducing the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
– Promoting organic gardening and the use of natural alternatives.
– Water conservation techniques, such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting.
– Composting and soil health improvement.

Bumblebees and Seeds: Sustainable Gardening

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  • A bumblebee approaching light purple colored flower

    Bumblebees and Seeds

    I never realized how much I did not know about bumblebees. And, this week I started going through the seeds that I collected and…

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  • Two hands cupped together holding seeds

    About Ordering Your Seeds

    I used to be early if my order was in February, but now you will find many of the seeds that you want are…

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  • Four different types of mulch.

    Five Easy Ways To Get Rid of Fungus in Mulch

    Did you know that mulch can also create a great habitat for fungi? Many fungi are actually inherent components of this diverse, biological ecosystem.…

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  • A hand spreading fertilizer in the soil around a young plant

    10-10-10 Fertilizer: Use And Benefits

    If you’re unsure of your specific garden fertilizer needs, generally you’ll not go wrong applying 10-10-10 fertilizer an “all purpose complete fertilizer”, balanced for…

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  • Extracting and collecting seeds from half a dozen tomatoes

    How to Collect Tomato Seeds

    First of all, you want to collect seeds from heritage or open-pollinated tomatoes. If you collect seeds from hybrid tomatoes, there is no telling…

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  • The branch of a coffee plant will many coffee beans


    Many people cannot get enough coffee and start growing coffee plants in their homes! It is essential to take care of the coffee plant…

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  • A perfectly green and maintained lawn, presumably maintained with organic lawn fertilizer

    A Guide to Organic Lawn Fertilizer

    Looking for good ways to fertilize your lawn organically, as a step in organic lawn care? We’re breaking down everything related to organic lawn…

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  • One herb plant growing through dark and healthy soil

    Improve Your Garden Soil This Spring

    Healthy soil full of the right nutrients is vital if you want to grow anything from flowers to vegetables in your garden. If you…

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  • Thermometer in soil and ground

    The Importance of Measuring Soil Temperature

    Many factors affect how well a plant will grow. Everything from wind to soil nutrients will play a role. But it’s easy to overlook…

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  • green leafed seedlings in black plastic pots

    Soil and Seed Temperature Germination Chart

    How do tomato or lettuce seeds know when the temperature is right for germination? Well, this question will remain unanswered for now. We just…

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  • Veggie Bites – Seedlings and Potatoes

    I have planted up several tomato plants and there are other seedlings that would like to be potted up as well. In my case,…

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  • Two people planting seeds in a hydroponic device

    Best Nutrients for Growing Vegetables

    Whether you are growing vegetables in a traditional garden or growing vegetables with hydroponics, the proper nutrients can help with higher yields, sweeter vegetables…

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  • green and brown plastic pack

    A Quick Guide to Composting

    If you’re looking for a way to add minerals, nutrients, and soil-enriching microorganisms into your garden, let us guide you on composting. Composting is good…

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  • Plants in containers and pots with root rot

    Caring For Plants With Root Rot

    If you grow plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, vegetables and houseplants, you’ll likely encounter root rot: Powdery Mildew Blossom-end rot Leaf infection Wilting So, what…

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  • A single green sprout from seed in rich brown earth

    Seed Germination Tips

    If you have started some seeds, the first thing that you should see is a pair of leaves. These are called seed leaves and…

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  • Four different types of mulch.

    The Ultimate Guide To Garden Mulching

    “Mulch.” The word rolls off the tongue nicely, but what does it mean exactly? Many gardeners aren’t aware of the myriad benefits mulching can…

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  • 3 pears in a pear tree

    Optimize Fruit Tree Soils for Best Production

    Of all things necessary to grow fruit trees – or anything else, for that matter – soil is perhaps one of the most overlooked…

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  • Germinating seeds becoming seedlings

    How To Start, Germinate and Care for Seeds

    How to start seeds, germinate, grow, and care for them is a gardener’s life skill. Many plants and vegetables fare better when started indoors…

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  • A perso holding fertilizer with cupped hands wearing gloves

    Spring Fertilizing Tips

    Laura walks us through fertilizing trees, shrubs, perennials in early spring. Wait until you see some growth on your plant to fertilize. 1. Gardening…

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  • A wood compost bin

    On Buying Compost Bins

    Invariably organic gardeners face the question, which type of compost bin should I buy? A stationary bin or tumbler? And how large?

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  • Browning autumn leaves on a tree

    How to Make Leaf Mold

    Leaf mold is the best use of fall leaves and it’s so simple to make, even if you’ve never gardened before, you’ll ace it.

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  • The Importance Of Potassium For Plants

    It’s simple, you need potassium for plants if you want healthy plants. It’s vital that you have the right amount of potassium in your…

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  • Fall Bulb Design: Easy, Colorful Combinations

    Fall-planted bulbs are some of the easiest ways to add impactful colour to your spring garden.

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  • a row of young seedlings growing in a vegetable garden

    On Picking The Right Garden Fertilizer

    Most soil usually does not contain enough nutrients to help plants reach optimum performance and growth levels. Even the very best garden soil becomes…

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