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Seasonal gardening refers to the practice of planting and tending to crops or flowers that are suitable for specific times of the year. It involves selecting plants that thrive in the current season’s climate and conditions and planning the garden activities accordingly.

Getting a Head Start on the Summer Growing Season: Seasonal Gardening

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  • Getting a Head Start on the Summer Growing Season

    Author: Rob Stuart, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. Mid-March in Ottawa is usually the ideal time to start sowing seeds of annual…

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  • child hands holding green pant above well composted earth

    Hardening Off: Last Stop Before Planting Out

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission To the uninitiated, “hardening off” might sound like the name of…

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  • Dried leaves and seeds against an all white winter-like background

    Winter Sowing: A lesson about growing

    Author: Shazia Y. Hussain, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission I am an avid gardener and a lifelong learner. My garden is an…

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  • Two hydrangeas in styling vases for a winter table arrangement

    Drying Hydrangeas

    Author: Gail Labrosse, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Drying hydrangea flowers from your garden for a winter table arrangement is easy. The…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Freezing Seasonal Produce

    Author: Rebecca Last,  Gardening at Last and Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. Published with permission This was an amazing year for tomatoes. My small garden…

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  • male cardinal on tree branch in a winter scene

    A Winter Garden for Birds

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission My bird feeders are a source of life in the stillness of winter. From…

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  • Plant of the Month: Mountain Maple

    Plant of the Month: Mountain Maple

    When it comes to urban landscaping, mountain maples prove their worth as hardworking, resilient, and beautiful additions. Standing at heights ranging from 15 to…

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  • Blue Angel Fuchsia flower

    Bringing Plants Inside for the Winter, Washing Your Plants

    Greetings fellow gardeners,  It is time to decide what to bring inside and what to take to the compost. Even though my space is…

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  • Red flowers with a winter frost

    Eight Winter Gardening Ideas

    Gardening doesn’t have to stop just because it’s winter. With some planning and creativity, you can grow winter plants and vegetables, spruce up your…

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  • A stricking coleus with geraniums companion plant

    Preparing the Garden for Fall and Winter

    There are people who thoroughly wash their bulbs and tubers before storing them. I let mine dry with a small bit of dirt around…

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  • Wild peony going to seed

    How to Collect Seeds from Flowers

    I packed a bunch of envelopes and a pen and was able to collect a lot of seed. It is a great time of…

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  • Pinkish lowbush blueberry leaves in the fall

    Preparing for Frost

    I have most of my vegetables in pots at this point, so they are a little less likely to get frost damage. Greetings fellow…

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  • Watercoloured layout of a basic garden plan

    On Planting Daffodil Bulbs in the Fall

    If you are fairly new to bulb planting, I suggest that you start with daffodil bulbs. Very few creatures will bother these bulbs. They…

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  • Viola in a pot with purply flower, that was previously deadheaded

    On Pruning and Deadheading Daffodils, Tulips, Lilac and Viola

    This year I am determined to do my best to deadhead my flowers. If you take off the dead flowers you will get more…

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  • Releasing a baby mason bee, held in a hand

    Releasing Bees from Their Cocoons

    Bees released from their cocoons seemed very attracted to the sweet-smelling lilacs, and there were primulas and tulips nearby. One of the most wonderful…

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  • Plants in soil as spring vegetable suggestions

    In the Garden, I Never Rush Spring

    In the garden, I never rush the spring. Be aware that all sorts of plant offerings will appear very soon and it is much…

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  • Photo of a walkway through a garden of rose bushes

    Spring Plants To Consider Growing

    As the days get longer and warmer with the arrival of spring, many people are eager to enjoy the outdoors and start gardening. Whether…

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  • Tatarian Dogwood with its red bark

    10 Trees and Shrubs with Colorful Bark

    By Patricia Mosher While our gardens are snoozing this month, it’s easy to forget that bark, (yes, bark!), can add colour and texture to…

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  • Showing the red bark of the red osier dogwaood

    January Plant of the Month: Red Osier Dogwood

    This hardy, ornamental shrub is my plant choice for January as it can be depended upon to deliver vibrant red colour to the winter…

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  • Cannabis plant in winter covered with frost

    9 Tips on How to Grow Marijuana in Cold Countries

    Growing weed outside in the winter is possible, but it’s a challenging and involved process. As an annual plant with a spring-and-summer development season,…

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  • White baneberry seeds that resemble doll's eyes

    Five Scary Plants to Frighten Your Day

    With Halloween around the corner, let’s have a bit of fun.  Here are five scary plants that would do any fright night justice.  Venus…

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  • Gardening in the Month of September

    For Ottawa – Zone 5

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  • Glory of the Snow with its blue flowers

    10 Fabulous Bulbs to Plant in the Fall 

    It’s time to set the stage for brilliant spring color by choosing bulbs to plant in the fall to enjoy in your beds, borders, and…

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  • A bright pink dahlia flower ready for seed collection

    Seed Collection and Saving

    Seed collection is always done on a sunny day because wet seeds can go moldy very quickly. Ripe seeds should fall easily from the…

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