Events: Russell and District Horticultural Society

Horticultural Therapy

Horticultural Therapy

Guest speaker Sarah Shapiro will talk to us about horticultural therapy. Horticultural therapy is a practice that uses plants, horticultural activities, and the garden landscape to promote the well-being for its participants. Mini Flower Show 3 categories 1. “All Cracked Up” – an arrangement featuring egg shells. 2. “Spring Wreath” – a handmade wreath decorated…

Being an urban potager

Being an urban potager

Regular Meeting and talk on being an urban potager by Odette Mcintyre. A potager is a French kitchen garden that’s designed to grow vegetables, fruits, flowers, and herbs for cooking. The word “potager” comes from the French phrase jardin potager, which translates to “garden of vegetables” or “for the soup pot”. Join us and learn more from…