Growing All My Peppers in Pots


Cottonbro studio via Pexels



I found that peppers growing with flowers that attracted pollinators did better that those that were planted by themselves. I think a splash of calendula flowers would really look nice and bring in those pollinating insects.

Greetings fellow gardeners

It is snowy and blowy and the too-many cats and I are enjoying the warmth of the woodstove. It is a nice way to spend the evening. 

  Maggie, Leo, and Kevin

Peppers in Pots

I will be planting some sweet peppers in the next few days, as I love them in salads. It is a good time of year to plant peppers as they like to take their time to germinate and grow.  

I went straight to my seed-saving container and I have found all of the pepper seeds that are in packages, or that I have collected. There are more than I thought. Thinking over last summer I have been working on an idea of where these peppers will go. I don’t intend to have any tomatoes in the front garden, so the jalapenos can go in a container in that area. I found that peppers growing with flowers that attracted pollinators did better that those that were planted by themselves. I think a splash of calendula flowers would really look nice and bring in those pollinating insects. I won’t start the calendula yet, however, as they are very quick to grow and room on my plant stand is restricted. I won’t be starting my tomatoes yet either. Six weeks before last frost seems to work well for tomatoes.

As I have tried peppers in pots and peppers in the ground, I have decided to grow all of my peppers in pots. I can make sure they are watered regularly and I think this year I will feed them when I feed my tomatoes and roses. I love planning for the growing season. 

Terracotta Pot Wreath

I spent some time at the hospital recently and, as I had to wait a while, I spent that time scrolling through gardening sites. That is a fun thing to do. After some deliberation, I decided to try the terra cotta pot wreath that I found. I can pick up some inexpensive pots and a strong cord and start experimenting. I would love to plant them up with herbs or succulents. While I would love to hang it on my front door, I would worry about the pots being jostled and possibly breaking. I think perhaps hanging it on my bird-feeding tree might work, as long as I don’t plant anything that the birds would want to pull out. I have a few other projects on the go, and talks to write, and articles to finish. I miss sitting quietly in my garden. 

A wreath made out of Terracotta pots
My new project – A terracotta Pot Wreath

The snow is continuing to fall. The snowplow is working on my driveway which distresses my cat Harold as he wants to watch the birds. I did get news at the hospital. I should be getting a call soon about knee surgery. I am hoping to have at least one happy knee by the summertime. Enjoy your week. Judith. (Email:  Veggie Bites are available at or

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