As the warmer weather rolls in, it’s time to think about doing a spring clean-up. This will let you make sure that the yard and landscape are looking as good. Often, a few small projects will make a big difference. Let’s discover some of the best tips you can use this spring, and which spring plants to grow.

Remove Debris

The first thing that you need to do is remove the debris from your lawn. These are things like leaves and branches that might have accumulated during the winter months. The easiest way to remove this debris is by raking it up. There is growing trend to do a lousy job of it! Leave leaves and other matter to decompose and provide nutrients. It is not uncommon to observe earth worms helping decompose matter.

You can add large debris (branches) and leaves that you to collect to the compost heap. This lets them break down to form the nutrients that your garden needs to thrive. You can break down the sticks, but they take a long time to rot. If you want to speed up the process, you should break the twigs down first.

Aerate the Lawn

Over the winter months, the lawn has likely started to compact. This can be a major problem. It will make it harder for you to plant anything. It will also make it harder for water and nutrients to penetrate the soil. 

A good way to check whether you need to aerate the soil is to try sticking a screwdriver into the ground. If you face resistance, you will need to aerate the lawn. There are a few ways that you can do this. For example, some people might want to use a machine to till the soil. Alternatively, you can get special spiked shoes. Then, all you need to do is walk up and down the lawn. 

Prune Trees

As the weather starts to warm, you will likely see the signs of life starting to return to the trees in your yard. This makes spring the perfect time to start pruning back the trees. To do this, start by looking for any dead branches. Removing these will help protect the tree from disease. It will also encourage new growth. 

If you have a flowering plant, you will need to think about when it is blooming. This will determine the best time to prune it. If they flower in the summer, you will need to prune during the end of winter or in the early spring. This is before they will start to bud. If they prune during the spring, you’ll need to wait until they have finished flowering.

Mow the Lawn

As the weather starts to warm, the lawn will start to grow again. However, you’ll need to be careful about how you are mowing it. If you mow it too short, you can end up doing more damage than good. It’s best to wait until the lawn has grown two to three inches tall. It’s also a good time to sharpen your blade. This will ensure that you are cutting the grass rather than ripping it. 

You will also need to consider the lawn mower that you are using. This will determine how easy it will be for you to mow the lawn. For example, you want to get something that will have enough power to cut the grass. You’ll also want something that will be easy to push. If you want some more tips, check out this guide to buying agile lawn mowers

Mulch Your Garden

One of the ways to make sure that you are taking care of your garden is by mulching it at the start of spring. However, you’ll want to make sure that you are mulching properly. To do this, you will want to make sure that you are doing it at the right time. In this case, you’ll want to make sure that you are waiting for the soil to dry out properly. You’ll also need to wait until the weather is starting to warm up. 

Then, you’ll need to make sure that you are applying the right mulch, depending on the type of garden you have. For example, you might want to get one that will be made from dried wood chips. This will last for a long time. If there was already mulch in the garden, you might want to remove and replace it.

If you want to apply some nutrients to the lawn, it’s best to choose a long-release fertilizer. These will last for many months. When you are applying it, you’ll want to make sure that the entire lawn is covered. It’s also best to apply a light fertilizer. Additionally, you can try mulching the grass clippings to return those nutrients to the soil. 


Spring is the ideal time to get back in the garden. There are plenty of simple tasks that you can use to do this. It will only take a few minutes, but you will be able to deliver lasting benefits for your garden. So, use these tips to make sure that your lawn is ready for the warmer weather.


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