Category Topics

Gardening is a rewarding and enjoyable activity that involves cultivating plants, flowers, and sometimes food in outdoor spaces such as yards, balconies, or community plots. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refresh your gardening knowledge, here are ome ofthe topics we cover:

    Choosing your location
    Soil preparation
    Selecting Plants
    Garden tools
    And more

Planning A Garden Wisely: How To Avoid Garden Planning Mistakes: Gardening Basics

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  • A wooden walkway with yellow mud boots against a garden.

    Planning A Garden Wisely: How To Avoid Garden Planning Mistakes

    Growing a garden is a great way to make your yard look beautiful while adding to nature. There are many different garden styles and…

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  • a flower bed with for large stones, attractively set

    Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas for the New Gardener

    As a new gardener, you’re likely dreaming of all of the things you could do with your landscaping. Maybe it’s a yard full of…

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  • A young boy watering a raised vegetable garden

    Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside

    We all know now that gardens and gardening enhance the wellbeing and happiness of people. That includes enjoying not only the beauty and the…

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  • A basket full of fresh pink roses placed on the ground in a open field

    DIY Tips to Remodel Your Garden

    Beautiful gardens gives us a private space to enjoy the outdoors, make the most of the sunny days, and socialize with our friends and…

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  • Forget Me Nots flowers in full bloom

    Gardening 101: How to initiate and expand your business

    A day redolent with rose fragrances along with the crisp scent of those dollars as you initiate your gardening business and work those green…

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  • Basket of Freshly picked home garden vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, peppers

    A Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Gardening

    Backyard gardening is good for physical health and well-being, and it’s an enjoyable hobby that can help you to connect with the natural world…

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  • 5 Essential Garden Tools For Every Gardener

    Gardening can be a great hobby for people that love spending their leisure time outdoors to connect with nature. However, having the right gardening…

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  • Young boy with a trowel in a raised garden bed

    12 Essential Garden Tools for Pros and Beginners

    The 12 essential gardening tools you cannot do without if you intend to start a successful garden. Having these tools in your shed is…

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  • Germinating seeds becoming seedlings

    How To Start, Germinate and Care for Seeds

    How to start seeds, germinate, grow, and care for them is a gardener’s life skill. Many plants and vegetables fare better when started indoors…

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  • What Is A Composite Flower?

    Briefly, a composite is a member of the composite family (Compositae or Asteraceae family).However, such a statement conveys little information to one who is…

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  • Top Five Houseplant starters

    Some of you may already have a houseplant or two, which is wonderful. If you are starting from scratch, below are some great houseplants…

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  • minimizing transplant shock by stimulating roots before replanting

    Ways To Minimize Transplant Shock

    Transplant shock occurs because plants and trees are designed to stay in one place. Transplanting is more than just moving the plant. Gardeners need…

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  • An potted plant in a terracotta pot serving as an apartment plant

    Apartment Plants To Bring Nature Indoors.

    In our fast-paced society, who wants to take a lot of time caring for plants, we all want houseplants which are easy to care…

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  • 8 Ways On Killing Weeds Naturally

    Don’t you hate those garden weeds? Looking to rid your garden of those pesky weeds naturally? Tired of using chemical based products like Roundup…

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  • Young plants growing through holes in garden sheeting

    How To Use Plastic Sheeting And Mulch In The Garden

    The use of plastic sheeting or mulch in the garden proves to be a useful tool for some garden crops. Many crops do well…

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  • Growing Bell peppers, red pepper, green pepper and yellow pepper

    Growing Bell Peppers For Gardening Beginners

    So you’re interested in growing bell peppers! We find bell peppers in red, green, yellow and purple, plus they are loaded vitamin A and…

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  • Summer Blooming Flower Ideas For Your Garden

    For some color, texture, height and drama looking at adding some summer bulbs to your garden. Some can go in the ground, others need…

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  • A pile of carrots freshly picked from the ground

    On fertilizing your vegetable garden

    New gardeners and even some veteran gardeners add far more garden fertilizer than their vegetables need. And in many cases when plants are struggling,…

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  • Gardening Hand Tools for Planting and Cultivating

    Just how important are garden hand tools? Well, you wouldn’t have much of a garden without them. Hand planting tools constitute the backbone of…

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