Keep up with garden design trends, including a garden scheme and plants which are fashionable, drought resistant, edible and sustainable. With so many different gardening decor options out on the market, it can be difficult to know exactly what is currently in style and is the best for you and for the Earth.

Luckily, I’ve put together this list of the top three gardening trends for 2020 I love and I hope you too will love!

1. Drought Resistant Plants To Save Your Garden

There has been a serious lack of rain in some parts of our country the last year. Moreover, Natural Resources Canada warns that “Drought is expected to become more frequent and severe in parts of Canada.”

It’s no secret that lack of rain can be rough on plants.

A garden without rain can look dry and brittle. Plants typically need a lot of water to survive, and going without it for a long period of time can wreak havoc on your greenery.

To counteract this current lack of precipitation, look for plant options that are known to be hardy and able to withstand long periods of no rain. Plants like Petunia, Liriope, and Lavender are known to be tolerant of droughts.

Succulents are another drought-resistant plant option – even for Canada! You can get hardy ones that can survive in zone 7.

Plant succulents outside, or keep them in containers; in this case, you can bring them inside during a particularly harsh winter. If you plant the succulents directly in the soil, you may need to cover them during winter. Read this article to find out more about how to care for succulents and cacti in a cold climate.

2. Edible Plants On Your Flower Bed

2020 is all about getting the most you can out of what you have. Products that are multi-purpose allow you to get the most bang for your buck, and are good for the environment.

Apply this concept to your outdoor space.

The main goal of a garden is to be aesthetically pleasing, but garden design trends serve a useful purpose. Use plants in your garden that are not only nice to look at, but ones that can also be eaten. Strawberry plants, Chili Pepper plants, and Daylilies are all plant varieties that are both beautiful and tasty.

You don’t even have to have a garden that is exclusively edible.

Plant flowers alongside these savory plants to make your garden a blend of functionality and artistry. Cabbage is another edible plant that can be included in your landscaping as well as on your dinner plate.

Also, and I know it sounds crazy, but you can even consume some of your weeds. For example, dandelions are 100% edible according to TreeHugger. You can use the leaves in salads and dried roots as a coffee substitute. The flowers can be eaten as well!

3. Embrace The Wilderness

One of the biggest garden design trends is to incorporate more native plants in your garden beds.

Here are just a few reasons why landscaping with “wild” plants can beneficial for your garden:

  1. It saves money and water since native plants are accustomed to their habitat
  2. Less maintenance because native plants are less likely to catch diseases
  3. Require no pesticides or fertilizers

One of the native plants you can grow is coneflower or echinacea. Growing echinacea has many benefits. It includes improving the ecosystem of your garden by attracting pollinators and you can also use it as a natural remedy for your immune system.

Final Words

I hope that this list has given you some great ideas to use when planning your summer 2020 garden.

Using plants that are resistant to drought is perfect for the current weather situation. Edible greenery is great for your garden’s aesthetics, as well as for your meal-planning. Finally, landscaping with native plants is a great way to make your garden more sustainable and easier to grow.

The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is to have a garden that makes you happy. After all, gardening has been proven to keep you mentally healthy.

Happy gardening!


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