Ottawa Orchid Society February Meeting

Nicholas Rust on Growing under Artificial Lighting


February 16, 2025 2:00 pm

Ends February 16, 2025 4:30 pm


Online Meeting Only

Event Details

Please note:

Due to an expected snow storm, the Ottawa Orchid Society is moving the February monthly meeting on Sunday February 16 to an online meeting only. Members please watch for the email with the registration link.

Join us for our February meeting  to hear Nicholas Rust of RustyExotics Orchids in Athens, Georgia. He will speak, via Zoom, on growing orchids under artificial lighting – everything you need to know to create a grow room of your own. This should be an illuminating talk for those interested in organizing an orchid growing area. Nicholas specializes in terrestrial orchids such as the beautiful jewel orchids, Habenaria and terrestrial Australian orchids such as Thelymitra. Recently he has branched out to include other terrestrials in his collection including pitcher plants and unusual aroids. Nicholas was a major contributor to the COC Jewel orchids publication and seminar a few years ago. 












Nicholas Rust

Nicholas Rust, of RustyExotics Orchids based in Georgia, specializes in jewel orchids, Bulbophyllum, Habenaria and other related genera. Through studying biochemistry and molecular biology throughout college, Nicholas approached his orchids with the same scientific perspective he used while working in a research lab. This led to an interest in the entire growth cycle of orchids and the start of his own hybridization program which focuses on terrestrial orchids, especially Habenaria.


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