Extend Your Botanical Garden’s Market Reach with GardeningCalendar

Expand your audience with a growing list of passionate and savvy gardeners.

Market to Our Followers

We’ve built a loyal and enthusiastic community of passionate gardeners – and we’re growing every day! Now’s the time to team up with us as we launch new ideas to reach even more practical gardeners.

A red coralbush, euphorbiacea jadropha multifida, with its three green fruit

Passionate Gardeners

Passionate gardeners are the go-to experts in their communities. They love sharing their knowledge and are always on the lookout for new botanical gardens to explore.

With our platform, they can easily find events and stay in the loop about exciting opportunities, so they never miss out.

a large starburst bush lamiacea clerodendrum quadriloculare with a chapel in the background

Practical Gardeners

Practical gardeners are the friends you call when you need gardening advice. They know their stuff and love discovering new plants and ideas at botanical gardens.

They like to keep things simple and appreciate a good deal, especially when it fits their interests and schedule.

Your Opportunities for More Visibility.

Which are best for you?

We want to Promote your Major Events

Your events are visible on the Calendar year-round and they are SEO optimized.

We want to Make a BIG Deal about your Unique Plants

Which plants are always a hit with your visitors? Let’s list them and have some fun with them.

We would value Custom content, Infotainment in nature

For our Website and for Social media

Advertise on our Website

100,000+ page views in 2024.
~50% from Canada
~ 40% USA
~10% English speaking world

Sponsor our Newsletter

1050 subscribers, mostly in Eastern Ontario.

We are taking steps to expand to other areas.

Proactive Options

Amplify Social Media; Facebook and Instagram

Promotions: Early Bird Tickets

Promotions: Store discounts – time limited

Promotions: Dining Deals – time limited

Value for Your Marketing Dollars

We want to Promote your Major Events

$75 /year
Link from your site to Ours

We want to Make a BIG Deal about your Unique Plants

$50 /year

We would value Custom content, Infotainment in nature


Advertise on our Website

From $17 per 1000 impressions

Select the right size Ads for You

Sponsor our Newsletter

From $24 per month (2 newsletters per month)

Four (4) month minimum

Prices subject to change without notice

Proactive Initiatives

Amplify Social Media; Facebook and Instagram


Promotions: Early Bird Tickets

To be discussed

Promotions: Store discounts – time limited

To be discussed

Promotions: Dining Deals – time limited

To be discussed

Ambassador Program Packages

Delivering more value, think of these as ‘Value Baskets!’


Ambassador Plus

Aiming Higher

How many botanical gardens need to join GardeningCalendar for it to become the go-to resource for passionate and practical gardeners who love visiting gardens?

A pinkish white water lillie among its lily pads in a pand, wth reflections in the water

First Step

Reap immediate benefits for your garden, recognizing the value.

Female cardinal on a tree branch looking with a bent neck

Next up

Let us promptly identify and seize emerging opportunities.