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Canadensis Botanical Garden Society

A National Botanical Garden is a goal pursued by the Canadensis Botanical Garden Society. Canadensis aims to be a stunning and varied botanic garden that offers engaging, entertaining, and instructive experiences to all guests in a special, eco-friendly setting. The Garden fosters a greater awareness of our close relationship with nature and the dedication and enthusiasm required to lead ecologically conscious lives.

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Upcoming Festival

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  • Walk the Grounds and Art Installations

    Enjoy a walk on the grounds of the proposed National Botanical Garden to enjoy and admire the many artistic creations and installations, bu renowned local artists. They are set among a cluster of mature native Canadian trees in including majestic oak and maple trees.

  • Propagating Rare Trees for our Community

    Canadensis is responding to an increasing and serious need to address and contribute to the reversal of biodiversity loss among our native trees. We harvest native tree seeds and grow seedlings. Collecting seeds from uncommon native species is one of the focuses. We plant seeds from trees, shrubs, and flowers, nurture them in our nursery, and give them back to the community. We welcome and encourage people from our communities to participate in seed collection and we educate a coach people how to grow seedlings.

Some of the Plants with “Canadensis” in their Botanical Name

Canada Violet

Canada Violet produces stunning, fragrant white flowers with a purple tint for many months from summer to fall.

Make a Donation towards our National Botanical Garden in Ottawa.

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