Philodendron Xanadu Care and Propagation

Pick a Philodendron Xanadu (also known as Philodendron Winterbourn) if you want a more unusual philodendron in your garden. It grows particularly well indoors, reaching only 1.2 meters tall. Its dark green leaves have an odd “feathery” appearance and are quite beautiful.

The Xanadu Philodendron is a low-maintenance plant. You may grow this philodendron from a cutting or get a starter plant from a nursery. The Philodendron Xanadu is an excellent indoor plant because it thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Because they enjoy drying slightly before drinking, allow the soil to drain between waterings. And don’t be concerned about humidity; your philodendron can handle it!

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Philodendron Xanadu

Also Called: Winterbourn, Winterborn Philodendron

En français: Xanadu, Philodendron xanadu

Water: Consistently moist soil, but not wet and never dries out.

Hardiness Zones:

The Philodendron Winterbourn is a tropical evergreen plant from South America closely related to the monstera deliciosa. In 1988, House Plants of Australia renamed it Xanadu after realizing its true identity as a species of philodendron.

The Xanadu plant has dark green, leathery leaves with a “feathered” or “toothed” appearance. It isn’t a climber but instead spreads out from the base and makes for an excellent home office addition, living room or study. If you want a brighter hue, go for the Golden Philodendron Xanadu, which has colorful yellow-green leaves and is an excellent ornamental plant.

Growing Philodendron Xanadu


Xanadu plants do not require full sunlight but will not operate in too little light. They need just the right amount of sunshine, like Goldilocks. They’ll thrive best in medium to bright indirect light, so position them next to a window with a sheer curtain or outside the sun’s rays. It’s great if your living room is bright! The leaves might sunburn if the light is too harsh.

It is crucial to provide a Xanadu with enough illumination in order for it to maintain its small design. The philodendron will spread out in search of a light source if there is too much light, making it appear elongated and uneven. If the gap between the leaves grows to several centimeters, your plant requires more sunlight! However, if its green foliage begins to fade, it shows it has received too much sunshine.


If you’re potting your Xanadu plant, a loose potting mix will suffice as long as the drainage of your container is adequate. Peat moss is also lovely; don’t overwater it. The most important consideration is to choose a large planter that isn’t compacted.

Growing Conditions

The Xanadu is a home decor philodendron that thrives in humidity. (It imitates a tropical environment.) Don’t worry if your house isn’t overly humid; you may mist your philodendron occasionally or arrange it with other plants to increase the humidity in the air. They’ll survive in most indoor humidities.


Because Xanadu plants are tropical, they thrive in warmer climates and will not withstand cold or frost. The ideal temperature range is between 18° and 30°, although they may survive in hotter regions as long as they are misted on a regular basis. Just don’t go below 13°!


Sorry, pampered pets — the Xanadu plant is poisonous to you! Calcium oxalate crystals are found in philodendrons, which can be harmful if eaten. If you want one for yourself, keep it away from your pet. When pruned or repotted, the plant may cause skin irritation and discomfort if touched.


To grow a Xanadu Philodendron, you must use the stems or cutting. Remove a side stem and only a few leaves from the bottom of the plant. For rooting cuttings in a potting mix, wait a few weeks. You may also pass on the Xanadu strain through division when you repot your plant. After removing it from the ground or container, separate a “clump” from the main plant. Repot in its own planter after carefully teasing and dividing the roots.

Growing Xanadu Philodendron In Pots

In a pot, you may buy a seedling or start planting at your local nursery to get started. To ensure proper drainage, prepare your planter with some potting mix and perlite before growing Xanadu. Dig a hole twice as broad and deep as the root ball. Remove the philodendron from its container and insert it into the hole. Backfill with more potting mix and gently press it down. Water thoroughly, but not excessively! Then place it in a location with enough light and let it develop independently.

Philodendron Xanadu leaf
A striking Philodendron Xanadu Leaf

Diseases and Care


If the growing environment of the Xanadu is too dry, spider mites may infect it as well. It can also attract aphids and mealy bugs, so check your philodendron’s leaves regularly to ensure no infestations develop.

If you spot any insects on your philodendron, you can remove them with a wet cloth or spritz them with water. After that, remove all affected leaves and wash your plant with an insecticidal detergent.

Root Rot

Some species of philodendrons, including those grown in water, may be sensitive to root rot caused by overwatering, poorly draining earth, too-large pots, or an overly cool environment. These can all result in the soil being excessively wet, which has a detrimental impact on the roots.

Root rot causes wilted, discolored leaves and stunted growth. Remove your Xanadu from its pot and rinse the roots to treat this. Replace the soil with a fresh batch of potting mix and perlite. You can trim damaged leaves and roots before repotting your philodendron.


During the spring and summer, you may fertilize your Xanadu once every two weeks. Apply a balanced fertilizer or organic mulch or compost to your plants. You may require additional fertilizer if growth is sluggish or somewhat stunted. As with healthy cattle, humans, or pets, it is equally necessary to keep your Philodendron Xanadu robust with fertilizers. 


Philodendrons require no special care once they’ve sprouted; however, they should be allowed to dry out between watering sessions. Before giving it another drink, check to see if the top layer of dirt has drained. Wet the earth thoroughly; if it’s in a pot, allow any excess water to run out.

If your Xanadu’s leaves are discolored and wilted but aren’t near the base, you might be overwatering it.


It would be best if you repotted a Xanadu frequently because it grows out of its container quickly. Repotting once or twice is a good policy, as well as when water accumulates on the pot’s surface after watering. When the root ball begins to show is another indicator.

When repotting, use a container 5–7cm more significant than the original container to give your plant more breathing room. Go too big, however, and you could overwater your plant! After that, you may leave this low-maintenance philodendron alone; check on it occasionally to see if it’s growing well. Philodendron Xanadu requires a bit more attention.


Yellow leaves are essential to a Xanadu’s cycle as new growth emerges or the environment is accepted. Snapping off dying leaves on contact with the base promotes excellent plant health by promoting good plant health.


My name is Olivia, a plant loving writer who writes for and Whenever I get some time for myself, I spend it by either tending to my garden, reading a book or riding my bicycle. I also do freelance writing from time to time.


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