Newsletter Ad – Name Your Price

Category: Tag:


  1. Name your price that you are willing to pay for your ad.
  2. Fill in the number of ads you wish to purchase
  3. Add to cart and complete your purchase
  4. E-mail your ad and any special instructions or wishes to JPG images are recommended

We will follow the following rules:

  1. Name-your-price ads will be placed on a priority basis, highest bids first
  2. If your Name-your-price ad is not placed, we will give you a full refund

Our newsletter currently goes to over 1000 subscribers twice a month, on the first day of the month and on the 15th of the month. The majority of our subscribers currently in the Ottawa and Eastern Ontario; and they are all gardeners. Advertising will be suitable for businesses catering to eastern Ontario residents and national brands.

  1. Ads are typically 300×250 rectangle. Please contact us if you would like a different ad size.
  2. You can ad a customizable tag line to your ad.
  3. The ad is linked to your website or landing page
  4. Ad copy is normally an image, but contact us if you prefer another format.
  5. Before placing the ad, we would request a discussion with you for full clarity on expectations.